Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Learned Something New 9/3/08

Today I learned:

1) How to put together a fundraising packet in the most efficient way.

This Friday our school will kick-off it's fall fundraiser. We are selling Entertainment Books (you know, the books with all the coupons in them) and since this is our PTA's first attempt at this particular fundraiser, I have been working closely with the company in trying to get this organized and off the ground. Well, they sent us an army of workers today who were very fast and efficient and I learned a lot from them. Though I had put together fundraiser packets in my previous years as fundraising chair, this one went fast and it was the little things like 2 labels (one for the book and one for the envelope so we know who's book are who's) and organizing them by teacher/grade that although obvious, made it go by faster and will make it easier for us to distribute the packets to all the students on Friday.

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