Sunday, August 31, 2008

Learned Something New 8/31/08

I have always used the saying, you learn something new everyday and I told myself that I should start a notebook of things I learn on a daily basis. You would be surprised how much you can learn in just one day from something very small and trivial to something that is eye-opening and life-changing. So this is my blog which is a compilation of all that I learn and it is way for me to realize that there is a lesson to be learned everyday.

Today I learned:

1) My kids know more about blogging than I do:
  • When I told my kids that I was going to start a blog of my own I thought I would have to go into a long, drawn out explanation about what blogging is. To my surprise, they already know a lot more about blogging than I do. In fact, my son asked me if I wanted his help in getting my blog up and running. And he is 11 years old. My 8-year old asked me if I needed any help in what I was going to write about in my blog. That's when I learned that my kids know more than I do about blogging (and probably a lot more about the Internet, too!)

2) How to paint a room all by myself:

  • My husband works out of state and I have been trying to take on the "honey do" projects that he no longer has time to take care of. If I wait until he gets home all he wants to do is relax and enjoy the surroundings of his home. So I either have to hire a handyman, which why should I when I can do it myself or get into what I call "he-man" mode and do it myself. I am finding that it is much more rewarding and a lot cheaper to do it myself. The sense of accomplishment that I feel when I finish something is awesome to me. Anyway, today I took that gallon of blue paint that has been sitting for the past 4 months waiting for him and painted my sons bedroom -- all by myself. I learned the importance of being patient so as not get paint all over the carpet and I most importantly learned to cover the carpet well. I learned how to tape the walls so as not to get paint on the baseboards, etc. and even though I am afraid of heights, I went up on the ladder to get the high spots. I have blisters on my hands, but I think it came out awesome and I did it all by myself!